Newark Life Fall/Winter 2022
Oct 17, 2022 10:23AM ● By Tricia Hoadley
Letter from
the Editor:
Welcome to the new issue of Newark Life. This issue features stories on a wide range of topics that illustrate just how dynamic and diverse the city of Newark is.
In one story, University of Delaware professor Doug Tallamy talks about how conservation, in the future, is going to be the responsibility of everybody on the planet. Tallamy says that America critically needs a homegrown national park that involves everyone.
We have a story about the only emus in Delaware. The emus are the most striking product of Pine Hill Farms on Smith Way, just south of Interstate 95 and just east of the Maryland line. Carolyn Palo, the owner of the emus, has sold a wide range of products over the last 30 years, including eggs, chicks, feathers, dog treats and almost 20 items using emu oil for body care.
The home of the Newark History Museum is an old train depot which operated for decades. The building was purchased by the city of Newark and is being used by the Historical Society to showcase people, places and events important in Delaware history. The interior of the building provides an eclectic walk through local history, with numerous exhibits showcasing things dating from the late 1700s up through the 20th century.
This issue also features a story about how Greg Shriver and his son, Henry Shriver, bicycled across the country this year. The father and son share stories about their adventures.
Vero at Newark will be opening early in 2023. The 125-unit senior residence will welcome residents in both independent and assisted living as well as those requiring memory care. During the planning for the community, efforts have been made to establish strong connections to the University of Delaware.
Idea by idea, design by design and volunteer by volunteer, a mission to beautify the entrance to Nottingham Green is well underway. This issue features a story about these efforts.
The Q & A is with Lindsay McConnell, the founder of Mixtape Paper Co. Newark Life recently met with Lindsay to talk about her inspirations, her mission and her dream dinner party guests.
Preston’s Playground, Newark’s gift to all children, is featured in the photo essay.
We hope the photos and stories in this issue of Newark Life shine a spotlight on just a few of the people who are making a difference in the community. We always welcome comments and suggestions for stories to highlight in a future issue of Newark Life. We’re already looking forward to bringing you the next issue of the magazine, which will arrive in the spring of 2023.
Randy Lieberman, Publisher
[email protected], 610-869-5553
Steve Hoffman, Editor
[email protected], 610-869-5553, Ext. 13