Newark Police Receive 7th Award for International Accreditation
Apr 23, 2015 02:04PM ● By Kevin
On Saturday March 21, 2015 the Newark Police Department was awarded its 7th award for advanced law enforcement accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). The Newark Police Department received its second straight Meritorious designation by CALEA.
Deputy Chief Mark Farrall and Accreditation Manger Sergeant Gerald Bryda traveled to Reno, Nevada where they appeared and testified before the CALEA Commissioners and later accepted the award.
The Newark Police Department took part in an on-site assessment from December 7th through December 10th, 2014, as part of the program to maintain accreditation. During that time, Executive Director William Howe of the St. Louis County Police Department and Major David Waltemeyer of the Anne Arundel County Police Department, verified that the Newark Police Department’s policies, procedures and practices meet the professional policing standards set by CALEA.
During the hearing, the CALEA Commissioners commended the Newark Police Department’s high level of professionalism as noted by the on-site assessors in their final report. The Newark Police Department was awarded the Meritorious Accreditation designation.
This report reads, in part, "The assessment team was impressed with the high level of professionalism displayed during the on-site assessment by the members of the NPD. All agency personnel were open and candid when discussing compliance issues with members of the assessment team. Members of the agency demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards by performing their duties in a professional manner. It was obvious to the assessment team that the Newark Police Department provides excellent services and is held in high esteem by other law enforcement agencies and members of the community.”
“Verification by the assessment team that the Newark Police Department meets the Commission’s state-of-the-art standards is part of a voluntary process to gain accreditation – a highly prized recognition of law enforcement professional excellence,” says Newark Police Chief Paul M. Tiernan. “It is clear that the dedication and professionalism of the men and women of the Newark Police Department has been recognized through this process.”
Information provided by Cpl. James Spadola, Newark Police Department